Your contest commissioner and all-around inspiration,Jim
Jim wins a mousepad with a picture of the Official GILLFAMILY.COM Football Contest Cheerleader on it.
Darby/Eddie wins Talking Irish; The Oral History of Notre Dame Football.
Sandra wins The Ultimate Female Fan Guide to Pro Football.
Mikey wins a Wilson Genuine Leather Official Size NFL football.
Leslie wins a football stress reliever.
Greg wins Football for Dummies.
I hope everyone had a good time with the contest. It was a lot of work but it turned out to be easier than I imagined.
A number of people have suggested that we offer cash prizes next year by collecting a small entry fee from everyone who is interested. I'm only the commissioner. Rita will contact everyone with the details, and for your input.
It's gratifying that everyone is enjoying the website. We all had fun playing in the Game Room during Leslie's and John's party. I'll do my best to keep adding content to GILLFAMILY.COM. Please don't wait until football season starts again to come back to visit and participate!
This page was createdDecember 28, 1998.