If you have a few minutes (when you get tired of playing Solitaire on company time) come here for interactive games and any other amusements that I may find.

Sunday at Mom/Grammy's House
Read and then contribute a paragraph (or even just a few lines) to an interactive story about a visit to the Everett house.
I'm sure I'm not the only one in the group who can write!
This version of the MadLibs game consists of stories personalized for family members. However, even non-family members can have fun with the randomly chosen stories. Here's a brief listing of some of the WebLib titles.
  • Mary Ann Sheehy's "Surprise Casserole" (recipe)
  • GILLFAMILY.COM's Official Christmas Song
  • "My Future Husband" by Kathleen Sheehy,
    Sacred Heart School, Grade 4
  • "You Too Can Be A Successful Nag" by Rita P. Gill
and many more to come...
Warp a Gill
Use your mouse to warp pictures of family and friends.

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This page was last updated
October 2, 1999.